IECEE 01描述了IECEE的组织、成员资格、认证管理**(CMC)、测试实验室**(CTL)、申诉**、这些**及其官员的职能和责任,以及IECEE的全面管理。
文件1是申请书并标有中文译文。文件1:标有中文译文的申请书:SCHEMEOFTHE ICEE FOR RECOGNITION OF RESULTs OFTESTING TOSTANDARDS FOD SAFETY OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT(CB一SCHEME).国际电工**电工产品安全认证组织关于电工产品按安全标准测试结果的认可体系(CB体系)Our reference申请人给其申请书的编号 Date申请日期Appllcation for a CB Test Certificate CB测试证书申请书Wehereby apply for a CB Test Certi ficate accordin g to Procedure ll and gl ve you the followin g deltailed information i Name and address of Applicant ( i.e,Man ufacturer )我们按程序亚申请CB测试证书并提供下列详细情况:申请人(即制造厂)的名称和地址。 Manufacturr telelphOne number制造厂电话 ExtelnsiOn分机Teiegraphic address电报挂号Telex No。 and answerback cede电传号和回报码Name of l)erson dealing with the applicatiOn联系人姓名NaMe and addrelss of factory or factories , where the eq ui pment is produced生产产品的一个工厂或几个工厂的名称和地址。 The CB Test Certificate is to cover the following kind of equipment(such as cable,rcwlrable or nollrewirable plug , switch , washing tnachine , etc )CB测试证书包括下述种类的产品(如电缆、重接或不可重接的插头、开关、洗衣机等)此栏填写申请CB测试证书的产品名称Trade mar k or trade marks of the eq ui pmeln t产品商标 Description of equipment : In geneal: type designation , catalogue number , etc。 For cords and cables:cod0, design ation s according to the rdrvan t standard an d n umber of cores and cr<)ss一secti Onddl ateas。ctc For othc r eq uipmen t : the in formatiQn specified in the relevant stan产品说明:一般包括型号、规格等,对于电线电缆包括相应标准的型号、芯线数和截面积等。对于其它产品应包括相应标准中规定的信息。 [1]