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【报告用途】立项申请 项目 影响评价节能评估 项目用地申请专业公司,一条龙服务RDQH07SX
项目名称:年产40万套服装。建设主要内容:租赁厂房,工艺流程:裁布-锁边-缝纫-钉纽扣-烫台-成品 主要设备:裁剪机,锁边机,缝纫机,烫台。
Project name: annual output of 1000 tons of protein products. Construction contents: lease plant, technology: purchased raw materials such as wheat, soy, starch, through mixing, molding, drying, soak, Fried, flor, packaging, etc. Major equipment: mixer, molding machine, drying bed, soaking pool, frying machine, vacuum ruwei machine, packaging machine, sterilization pot, etc. The enterprise mainly produces hand tore, beef and other protein products, product market demand is big, has good prospects for development.
Project name: project production line for processing 80000 tons of wheat grade powder. Construction of the main content: the project for processing 80000 tons of wheat new grade a powder production line. Covers an area of 10 acres, of which: new factory area of 2000 square meters, warehouse area of 3000 square meters, building area of 1000 square meters. Main process: raw grain qing miscellaneous - computer water - to stone - screen principle - into the grinding powder - flour sieve principle - metering packaging warehousing - sales - test. Main equipment: milling machine, whey powder, high sieve, removing stone machine, laboratory testing, computer packing machine and so on. The project technology is advanced, a vast market.